Category: Uncategorized
What Are the Different Types of Buyers?
Different buyers have different objectives and levels of experience. Understanding these differences can help you in getting the kind of deal you want. As you begin discussions with potential buyers, it’s important to keep in mind that buyer’s goals and objectives vary greatly. In general, buyers can be classified into three groups:
What Makes A Small Business Valuable?
As the old saying goes, three things drive value in real estate: location, location, location. While that saying can provide an inkling of the value of the real estate your business owns, what drives the value of the business itself?
There’s Hidden Value In My Company?
Are historical financial metrics the exclusive drivers of your company’s value? Yes, if they’re all you can prove to potential investors or buyers. But what else can you show them that would potentially drive up your company’s valuation?
How Do I Avoid: Dangerous Management Mistakes?
The recession is lasting longer and is deeper than anyone expected. When a business fails, the cause can be traced back to several fundamental reasons. Knowing those, may arm you with the ability to track your business now to avoid a catastrophic failure in the future. What should you be looking at early and often?
What Do You Know About Your Competition?
Knowing your customers and what makes them buy from you is important. It’s also important for you to know and understand your competition. Remember, your customers are sometimes only one click away from being someone else’s customers so know what might make them change their buying habits. It’s always good to know and revisit the…
How Do I Sell My Business During a Recession?
The recession has us all wondering “what do I do now?” I’d planned on exiting my business and thought the exit was just around the corner. Now, valuations are depressed, the banking situation isn’t allowing deals to get done, private equity firms are focusing on maintaining current portfolio holdings, and on and on.
How Does Technology Change Your Business?
So thought the New York Times until 2009 rolled around. Then, someone did some interesting math. According to the Silicon Valley Insider, the NY Times could buy EVERY ONE of their subscribers an Amazon Kindle for 1/2 the cost of publishing the traditional newspaper for 1 year.
What Does Selling on the Web Entail?
If your web presence includes the ability for your customers to order products and services, you should be aware of how their minds work when they are using your site. Start by thinking about the way you shop on-line. Have you ever heard yourself ask these questions while deciding to purchase something on-line:
What To Do In Uncertain Times
If you’ve been lucky, since 2008 your business has been relatively unscathed by the financial turmoil and resulting uncertainty. It’s likely that most small businesses will be affectied negatively as we move ahead into 2012 and a recessionary economy with continued uncertainty. Depending on who and what you read, this recession could last 12 – 24…
Let Your Business Fail in 10 Easy Steps
Okay, there’s a bit of sarcasim in that title but we needed to get your attention. No matter how big or small your company is, always keep your eye on these 10 things: